Buy three bags of compost of any combination. Just choose the type(s) you want from the three drop down menus.
Generally use Venus Flytrap compost for smaller carnivorous plants such as Sundews (Drosera), Bladderworts (Utricularia), Butterworts (Pinguicula), Albany Pitcher (Cephalotus).
For Trumpet Pitchers (Sarracenia) and Cobra Lily (Darlingtonia) use trumpet pitcher compost. You may need relatively more of this. These are larger plants usually, potted into larger pots.
For use as a base for your own mix, order Venus Flytrap compost. Add perlite if you wish for trumpet pitchers or mix it with orchid bark and shredded moss for Monkey Cups.
Peter S –
This compost is a high quality formulation in conveniently sized bags. The compost’s performance is already proven by the very healthy Great White Shark Venus Flytrap that I also had as part of my order.